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on Conceptual gods/goddesses and discussion of the essay by Sol Lewitt

Laura Tat

23. The artist may misperceive (understand it differently from the artist) a work of art but still be set off in his own chain of thought by that misconstrual.

I was told that I could do my "conceptual art" powerpoint on designers that I knew if I wasn't familiar with any conceptual artists and I think that actually ended up being a lot harder than if I had just looked up some conceptual artist on wikipedia.

I've been taught by a lot of my DAI teachers that designers are problem solvers. I always figured art = expression, design = function. That is not to say that design doesn't express itself or isn't pretty because it does and it is.

Design is more focused on function than form? And conceptual design would greatly shift the focus to form, possibly so that it doesn't function nearly as well. It revalues the piece, so that functionality is less important than expression of content through form.

Whereas for art, functionality really doesn't matter at all. Art doesn't have to revalue for form because it was never about function.

17. All ideas are art if they are concerned with art and fall within the conventions of art.

I spent the remainder of the night mulling in circles for a very long time as to whether or not a product that had no function was a still something that was designed or whether it was a work of art.

1953 : Robert Rauschenberg exhibits Erased De Kooning Drawing, a drawing by Willem De Kooning which Rauschenberg erased.

1957: Yves Klein, Klein declared that his paintings were now invisible and to prove it he exhibited an empty room. This exhibition was called 'The Surfaces and Volumes of Invisible Pictorial Sensibility'.

1962: Christo's Iron Curtain work. This consists of a barricade of oil barrels in a narrow Paris street which caused a large traffic jam. The artwork was not the barricade itself but the resulting traffic jam.

Or is conceptual art just an excuse to get away with stupid things, ahaha?

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