Day #2 in Second Life contd.
on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 10:29 PM.

Dear Notecard,
I don't think I can play this at home very well, not without a lot of lag. I know it's part of the experience and adds to the environment or whatever but I hate how this game is pretty much me waiting around for useless npcs and objects to load. There's this one city in WoW that annoyed the crap out of me just because they put in 23598743975 useless npcs that didn't give quests or weren't vendors etc. and it'd take me forever to zone in and I'd constantly be lagging my way to wherever I needed to go.
Check out this place, there are two huge killer whales jumping around this tiny pool (there are dolphins too but I'm zoomed out a lot so you can't see much) along with a giant yacht, a bunch of little sailboats and water skis and beach towels and a hot tub a dock AND A MECH. WHAT IS A MECH DOING HERE? I DON'T KNOW BUT THERE IT IS.
There isn't even anyone here but me! Me and the orcas! Man, I feel sorry for those orcas, trapped in some shallow pool and they don't even get it to themselves, they have to share.
Free Willy,
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